Keilee Alldredge

Keilee Alldredge

Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Two White Chicks Here" August 8, 2016

Man, what a week!! We were so busy, and somehow, we still found 7 new
investigators! Whoot whoot!

On Tuesday we had MLC. It was super great! It was announced during
that meeting that we now will sing to members after dinner - so we
are a singing mission now!

At the end of MLC, President took us all up to the top of Mt. Ashland.
It was so beautiful up there, it reminded me of home. We talked about
being watchmen, of being leaders. It was so spiritual up there, I
really felt of Gods love for me. I loved it. :)

On Thursday we went to the pear farm and harvested pears! We started
at 8 am and worked until 1:30. It was long, but it was tons of fun!
Especially with our Zone being there, even the Yreka sisters were able
to come! We were joking and throwing shriveled pears at each
other....and yes, of course we picked too! We got a little sun

On Friday we taught ZTM! It was nerve wracking though, President came
to our meeting! All of us were a little stressed because of it, but
once we got up there to teach, the Spirit just took over and our
teaching just flowed. The spirit was really strong, I was so blessed
to be there and to grow my knowledge of the gospel. President really
enjoyed it! The spirit really lifted us and helped us get pumped up to
do missionary work!

On Saturday, we were walking and saw a former investigator- Tommy. He
tried to run away from us, but we caught up to him. He proceeded to
tell us how he was trying to avoid us, hoping we would just give up.
Little did he knows that we are REALLY persistent. He then told us how
everyone is racist and that his life is awful and we have no idea what
he is going through. Me, just being me, said : Tommy, do you have any
idea why we keep coming back? Why two white chicks keep coming

Hahaha...not the brightest moment....but he agreed to let us come
back! We want to teach him the Plan of Salvation to explain how he has so much to
live for in the future!

However, we taught Tina and Donald Millard about the Plan of Salvation.  They were
so surprised about all of it, but they knew it to be true! Sister
Peterson then shared a wonderful testimony and we asked them if they
would like to get baptized. Donald was all for it, but Tina wasn't too
sure. Our member rephrased the question and she said yes! And then,
even before we brought it up, they asked about the priesthood and the
proper authority. It was so cool! We told them that the next time we
would teach about the priesthood.  They are so prepared!  We are so
blessed to meet them!

Today, I read two talks: What Lack I yet? And Testifying of the Great
and Glorious Atonement. I was feeling that I wasn't doing all I could,
I had stopped progressing in a sense. But as I read, the spirit just
filled my soul, letting me know that most of all, I was doing my best,
and that God was pleased with what I was doing. It was such a comfort.
Then, the Spirit told me how I can be better. I can bear my testimony
more of the Atonement. It was awesome to gain that direction. I loved

this week! It was so full of spiritual help and encouragement.
Brother and Sister Jacobsens.

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