With Chris Ponciroli at his baptism in Medford. |
So many wonderful things happened this week! It has been awesome!
Tuesday we had to drive up to Eugene for Missionary Leadership
Council (MLC). We got up super early and started on the road at 5:45.
We had to drive over the Pass, and the roads were TERRIBLE! Oh man. I
was driving white knuckled the whole way! At one point I thought: " Oh I'm
so happy I have a companion so that if anything crazy happens, she can
be with me through it!" I look over, she's passed out. Hahaha.
Traveling in the lone and dreary world. On the way back, we stopped in
Sutherlin to switch cars with the sisters there, and it was lightly
snowing. I knew then that we were in for a crazy ride. President
called us just before we reached the Pass. "Sisters, where are you?"
Just outside Roseburg. "Sisters, do you know that Grants Pass is
experiencing the worst blizzard in years..?!?!" Well, President, we
have a blanket and Cheezit's if anything crazy happens. "Sisters,
that's scary." We laughed and laughed. Even though the roads were
crazy, we were laughing, telling stories and and having a good time. I
distinctly felt that there were angels around us, protecting us. We
were safe and sound.
On Wednesday we had a lesson with a less active family. Their last
name is VanValkenburg. They are so cool! We really had an inspired
lesson, the dad really opened up to us. "I really don't consider
myself less active. I pay tithing, I keep the Word of Wisdom...I do
everything except come to church. It's the only reason why I don't
have a temple recommend. But I HATE being the project. People come.
They don't care. They are just trying to have me come to church. We
have no friends in the church" that was an eye opener. Look beyond
yourself, see those around. Invite people over to dinner. Do you
expect to just say a magic word and they will come? No, it doesn't
happen that way. Reach out. Love. Invite. Share. It may take time.
Some wounds are deep, and it takes a long time to heal. But I promise
you, that as you focus on a few, that you will see the blessings of
the gospel come back into their life. Love them. And they will come
Anyways, for them, we are just teaching them about the gospel. Our
goal is to help build their testimony, which in turn builds their
faith, which helps them overcome fear. The members we bring will build
their friendships. At least that is what we hope will happen.
On Friday we had a lesson fall through, but a man was smoking outside.
So we went over and met him. His name is Art. He has read the Book of
Mormon before in the past, but he was open to reading again. We set up
a lesson for the NEXT DAY. And it was AMAZING!!!! He told us about his
life and we told him that the Book of Mormon will bring him peace.
"That is what I am searching for. I read the Bible everyday... but.."
he held the Book of Mormon, looking longingly at it. "I will try it
out. And I will pray about it." He said the closing prayer and it was
so beautiful. He even addressed Heavenly Father! He is so cool! We
have another lesson set up with him this week.
Saturday was a super busy day. In total, we had four lessons back to
back. All of them were awesome and spiritual! Then, to cap off
Saturday, we drove to Medford. And there, I was able to witness Chris
Ponciroli get baptized!!!! After almost three years of struggles and
hardships, he has overcome them all and has gotten baptized!it was amazing and glorious and joyous and lovely! If
anything, you can know that the church is true because of how much
people are willing to sacrifice all they are to become one with
Christ's true church.
Now my question to you is: are you sacrificing all you are to the
Savior? Alma 5:14-19
Winter hits Oregon.
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